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2007 St. Paul Winter Carnival

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5th District Marches In Winter Carnival Parade 

5th District Marches in the 2007 Winter Carnival


The 5th District was well represented in the 2007 St. Paul Winter Carnival –The Coolest Celebration on Earth.  The weather was cold, the camaraderie was great.  Many of our posts were well represented as we gathered at the staging area in downtown St. Paul.














Let the marching begin!                          Stay bundled up for the parade!                        5th District marchers of all ages!










Unit 1 President Chickie & Maddie!              Unit 1 SAL Commander Craig Maehling             Members of the Ft. Snelling Military

                                                                                     & 5th District SAL Commander                       Museum march with their vintage tank

                                                                                             Bill Peters at the rally


Arcade-Phalen Post 577 graciously provided a warm reception with chili and coffee for all of the parade marchers.  The 4th & 5th Districts held a membership rally at Arcade-Phalen post 577.  Thank you 4th District!

















        Jim Munson, 5th District Vice Commander Accepts                                               Warming up at Arcade-Phalen after the parade

awards for the most memberships turned in at the rally

               and the most parade participants.

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